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Remembering: outdoors escape in Hyvärilä youth centre

Step four complete!

Ryhmäänne ei pidättele mikään! Jäljittäkää nyt askeleenne takaisin paikkaan, jossa veneenne rakennettiin ja löydätte tiimiinne kuuluneen Ilmarisen. Pysytkö perässä? Paljon teillä on aikaa? Seuraava tehtävä odottaahttps://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/en/activities/12723 https://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/claim?code=576dec07-3cf1-4d0c-8cf5-a129fc4dde2b
You are a team of true detectives! Now you re-traced your steps back to this place where you built your boat, and you found your teammate Ilmarinen. Are you keeping track of time? Your next task awaits, you have no time to waste, hurry up! Next taskhttps://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/en/activities/12723 https://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/claim?code=576dec07-3cf1-4d0c-8cf5-a129fc4dde2b
Task no.1
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Remembering: outdoors escape in Hyvärilä youth centre
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union