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Remembering: outdoors escape in Hyvärilä youth centre

Step five complete!

Siinä se on! Hämärä muistikuva talosta onnettomuusiltana, siinä se on! Olipa onni, että siitä oli säästynyt kuva. Jaksakaa vielä hetki, onnea loppumatkaan! Seuraava tehtävähttps://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/en/activities/12724 https://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/claim?code=56ec8c28-8f18-49f3-9039-99703032d516
That is it! The house you vaguely remember from that night of the crash, you found it. How lucky that there was a picture of it. Carry on with your quest, and good luck! Next taskhttps://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/en/activities/12724https://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/en/activities/12724 https://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/claim?code=56ec8c28-8f18-49f3-9039-99703032d516
Task no.1
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Remembering: outdoors escape in Hyvärilä youth centre
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union